
CT Legal moderator at the panel discussion on occupational safety and health

Jovana Tomić, senior partner in the CT Legal law office and vice president of the Labor Law Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce was one of the moderators of the panel discussion on occupational safety and health that was held at the premises of the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade on December 16, 2024.

The participants explored key challenges and practical issues in ensuring compliance with the new Occupational Safety and Health Law, which took effect in 2023. The event looked at key emerging rules, interpretation of legal provisions governing hazardous work, and the availability of qualified occupational safety and health (OSH) specialists and challenges with their licensing and demand for their services.

Panel participants were Miodrag Loncović and Mira Božić in front of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as well as Maja Ilić and Goran Marković, in front of the Labor Inspectorate in Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs.

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Caković/Tomić – CT Legal

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11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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