Recommendation to employers on the use of unused annual leave of employees from 2019 and 2020
On February 12, 2021 the Government Conclusion 05 number 131-1206/2021 was adopted, which recommends deadlines for employers in connection with unused annual leave for 2019 and 2020.
Considering that many employees were not able to use annual leave as a result of the nature of work in emergencies caused by epidemic COVID-19, due to temporary incapacity to work caused by the contagious disease COVID-19, and as well due to the decision of isolation/home isolation in accordance with the law, the Conclusion recommends to the employers in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, to allow to the employees who have not used the corresponding annual leave for 2020, to start and use that leave in 2021 or to use the first part for at least two working weeks continuously until December 31, 2021, and the remaining part until June 30, 2022.
It is also recommended to employers that employees who have not used a part of the annual leave from 2019 until the end of 2020 in accordance with Government Conclusion 05 number 53-3041/2020 from 06.04.2020., to enable them to use that part of the annual leave no later than June 30, 2021, and before using the corresponding annual leave for 2020.
This conclusion invalidates the Government Conclusion 05 number 131-10296/2020 from December 15, 2020 which referred only to employees in social and health care institutions.